Monday, February 18, 2008

Some people.......

My company held it's customer appreciation dinner tonight and it went considerably well given the fact that we only started planning for it 3 days ago. The dinner was held at Emperor's court on the 3rd floor of Hua Ho Manggis Mall. I was abit nervous at first because I'm not particularly apt in mingling with business minded people but as the night progressed, my boss mentioned that I was doing a good job so I guess all I had to really do was try.

After the initial mingling came the food, which was absolutely scrumptious. We started off with
yúshēng, or "Yee Sang" for those who don't know pinyin spelling. Personally, I've had better ones but I've also had worse ones so this one was pretty average. Other than that, everything else on the menu was positively delectable. Yum!

Soup - gooood
Chicken - good
Fish - goood
Prawns - gooooooooooood
Broccoli - gooood
Fried Rice - good
Dessert - goood

The night would have been perfect for me if not for this one person that really annoyed me the whole night. Well, it's actually 2 people if you count my colleague that never makes it for any of our company functions. That kinda annoys me too.

Anyways, this person I was talking about was, for starters, not even invited to this dinner but showed up anyway. Talk about being thick skinned; She happened to tag along with someone who was invited. Sheesh! After mingling abit with everyone, she proceeds to ask people for donations for some kind of charity program going on in Kuala Belait. And as if that wasn't bad enough, she complained about the food throughout the whole dinner. So, she shows up uninvited, asks people for money and then complains about the food. What audacity! I was wondering to myself the whole night just what the heck was wrong with her. Friggin' loafer...


Annoying lady aside, everything went swimmingly. Everyone else had a great time and the food was great. Safe to say, our dinner was a success but all that mingling really tired me out so it's time for me to rest my head now. Ciao ppl!
