Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Lots of people have told me that the fact that I have long and slender fingers with very smooth skin, makes my hands very feminine. Obviously, I'm not gonna agree that my hands are feminine because after all I am a guy despite what people may say or think but I'll let you guys be the judge of that. What do you think?

(Hold shift + click to enlarge)


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shove it...

I've always disliked people telling me what to do thinking that they know what's best for me when they don't even know me at all. So to 'you-know-who' who told me to 'you-know-what', you can just take that thing and shove it 'you-know-where'


Thursday, July 17, 2008

The old and the new

Just abit of randomness that has been running through my mind ever since I saw this advertisement on tv. The line went like this "Try the all new Nescafe classic." For some reason, I'm the only person who finds that sentence totally funny in a stupid way. I mean c'mon people, that's like saying "Come on down and check out all our brand new second hand cars."

Anyways, I've been listening to The Beatles again lately and I re-remember why they were so good. Their songs are just so catchy. That's one thing that I'm currently looking into. How to write catchy songs. Writing a song is difficult enough but writing a catchy song is worse. Hmm...I guess nothing is ever as easy as it seems. What's worse is when people who can do things well tell people who wish that they could do it as easily as them, "It's really simple."

!@$%!!@@$#^Y@#^&#%&^**#$%$^ heck it is


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day off

Today marks the 62nd annual-coming-into-this-world day of our sultan. For some of us, *cough* Frankie *cough* it's a headache but for most of us, it is a much needed break from work. Gosh, don't you just love public holidays? Haha... And my cousin from Canada is currently staying with me for the next 3 weeks. She's really fun and her name is Pamela or Pam for short.

Anyways, my day today was pretty productive but only from the afternoon onwards. I practically slept the whole morning away. Hehe... Like I said, a much needed break from work. I do wish that I woke up abit earlier tho cos the day might have gone abit differently if I did. Oh well...

Everything went quite smoothly at worship practice today. Not alot of technicalities but I do need to work out some kinks with the chords. Did I mention that I'm leading worship for church service this week? It's not new to me but I still am abit nervous. I don't think there's ever any getting over that.

I was really surprised that my cousin wanted to follow me to practice. Pleasantly surprised of course and interestingly enough, I found out that she's a grade 8 pianist. That's so cool. Anyways, I brought her out for dinner with the guys after practice and had a really good meal.

Overall, I guess it's been a pretty good day for me today.


Sunday, July 13, 2008


For those of you who don't know the first thing about "kiasu" people or being "kiasu" in life, here are the A to Z's of kiasu-ism :-

A - Always must win
B - Borrow but never return
C - Cheap is good
D - Don't trust anybody
E - Everything also must grab one
F - Free! Free! Free!
G - Grab first, talk later
H - Help yourself to everything
I - I first, I want, I everything
J - Jump queue
K - Keep coming back for more
L - Look for discounts
M - Must not lose face
N - Nevermind what people think
O - Outdo everyone you know
P - Pay only when absolutely necessary
Q - Quit while you're still ahead
R - Rushing and pushing wins the race
S - Samples are always welcomed
T - Take but don't give
U - Unless it's free, forget it
V - Vow to be number one
W - Winner takes it all!
X - X'tra means more for you
Y - Yell, if necessary, to get what you want
Z - Zebras are kiasu because they want to be black and white at the same time...


Monday, July 7, 2008

Is this it?

How is this happening? WHY is this happening? I thought that I did everything to make sure that it would not come to this but it's happening now and I'm powerless to stop it. I'm trying my best but it's not good enough; not worth enough.

This is wrong. This is not how things should be. A decision was decided, a declaration was declared and a commitment was solidified. All that happened when Rev. Johnny challenged us to stand. To boldly show that we would live to love God; live to bring Him praise; live as a child in awe of Him. There was a silence but then there was a stirring.

People stood...................

...................Is this the way we live to love God?


Welcome !

Hope you all like this layout. I'll welcome any criticism............................................. ....................................with a kick to the shins. Speaking of shins, a guy without any is called "Tony" (Toe-knee) *bada bish*


Thursday, July 3, 2008


I've been toying with the idea of shutting down my blog site for awhile now but now that I really think about it, it would be such a shame so I've decided to give it another shot. I will, however, want to make some layout changes to the site and revamp it abit so I welcome anyone with suggestions. Hehe...

I hope all of you can be patient until I've decided on the new layout. Tho, I doubt there are alot of ppl out there reading my blog anyways. HaaHAHhaahHAHhaaAHhaha...... why the heck am I laughing?
