Monday, December 3, 2007

Rock, Me, Hard place...

Rock - Customers who buy drugs (I use this term medically) from the company I'm working in. This includes doctors, pharmacists and people who wouldn't know the difference between Panadol and Viagra. In principle, the customer is always right. Practically, it's a whole different issue. Bottom line is that these customers must be kept happy in order to ensure loyalty.

Hard place - Suppliers who give us their drugs (again medically) to sell to customers. Without them, we have no drugs to supply. They provide the drugs and we provide the services. In principle, the supplier's word is law. Practically, it's a whole different issue. Bottom line is that these suppliers must be kept happy in order to ensure stability.

Me - Customer Services Assistant currently employed under Zuellig Pharma Sdn Bhd, which is ranked at no. 1 in Brunei now as far as the market of pharmaceuticals go. We provide distribution of drugs (still medically) throughout the whole nation. The customers only care about getting their drugs and the suppliers only care about their drugs being sold. We take care of everything else in between. Bottom line is that I have to keep everyone happy in order to ensure that I keep my job.

Situation - A customer orders some drugs but has not been settling their accounts for the last 5 months. The management has decided to hold all supply to said customer until their accounts have been settled but the suppliers want their sales. Both sides are putting pressure.

Question - What would you do, especially when your job is to make sure both sides are happy? The following are not options you can choose:

a) Kill yourself, the customer or supplier
b) Resign
c) Pass the responsibility to someone else
