Monday, March 10, 2008

Funny, but not so

It's funny how it seems...

1) like the bad always outweighs the good
2) that I can never do anything right
3) to rain on the same day you wash your car
4) you think you're unique but you're not really
5) you think you're like everyone else but you're not really
6) like people on "diets" never really seem to get any thinner
7) the older you get, the younger you wish you were
8) that ignorance truly is bliss
9) like Hollywood is real
10) like people will readily criticize but hold back praise
11) like it would be easier to be the opposite gender
12) that the sword is mightier than the pen
13) like the purpose of life is to find out the purpose of life
14) that we never have quite enough stuff
15) that for whatever we have, there's always something which is better
16) that you're not really the way you think you are
17) like sleep is the greatest painkiller
18) like having a car is not all it's cracked up to be



Amilyn said...

things are funny that way..