Monday, April 21, 2008

My mind's telling me I'm tired.....

Yeah, I know that I haven't updated my blog eventhough the internet has been up and running again for awhile now but I've been crazy tired lately. I don't know what it is exactly that's sapping all my strength and energy but I really hope it doesn't last for much longer. Anyways, here are some highlights and lowlights(?) of the past week or so :-


1) Ron's entrance into manhood - There was alot of skepticism about Frank and I pulling off another surprise party for Ron what with the whole 'Frankie fiasco' not too long before that but in the end we somehow managed to do it. Of course Ron would argue that we just barely managed to surprise him because of our bad acting that night. Haha... Little did he know that we were acting like we were acting terribly just to throw him off. =P I must say that Ron's reaction to the surprise wasn't quite as entertaining as Frank's wailing but it was still worth it to make his face red without the use of alcohol. Tee hee hee........

2) St Andrew's School Golden Jubilee - I did not attend the actual event held on 19th April 2008 but I heard that the response was quite good. I was, however, involved in the thanksgiving service held on the following Sunday at church. Singing in a choir is not easy but it's always a good feeling when your hard work and practice pays off. Although the service did go on a bit longer than expected and Tim pulled a 'Ben' (haha to you Tim), everything went quite swimmingly. Praise Jesus !

3) The I Heart Revolution - I managed to get the new CD from Hillsong United. It's called "With Hearts As One" and is basically a compilation of selected songs performed and recorded live at conferences in different parts of the world. It's pretty cool but I'd recommend it to you as a novelty item only (unless you're a die-hard Hillsong United fan)

Lowlights (?)

1) Family Wars: The Return of the Sister - So my sister is back and as far as I know, she's back for good. I'm not talking about my younger sister, Cassie, but Gen. She's my older sister; the one that I usually care not to talk about. For as long as I can remember we've never really been on talking terms much with each other but then again I am like that with my family so I guess it shouldn't come as much of a surprise. It's been less than a week and she's already managed to clog up the toilet drain with hair. Ick!

2) The horror of basketball - Have you ever defended someone only for it to come back and bite you in the behind? This is by far the worst injury I've ever personally experienced. Pics and story tomorrow. Hehe...

Anyways, that's all for now. I'm too tired to continue.



Nick Thien said...

You mean a basketball injury that's worse than guarding someone doing a layup and he knees your groin?

tengish said...

ooo guys getting kneed in the groin..wonder whats the equivalent pain for us girls :P maybe its labor..pppsttt hi Ben :)