Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Detox diet

So, I started my detox diet today and let me tell you this, IT'S SO FRIGGIN' HARD !!!!! Anyone who tells you otherwise needs some sense knocked back into them. No matter how many times you've done it or if you're a "pro" at it, denying food will ALWAYS be tough.

No sugar, no salt, no meat,
no preservatives, no artificial stuff, blah blah blah...... I should just give up eating altogether. That would be a whole lot easier for me. Unfortunately for me, it's too late to back out now since I already bought 5 bags of apples, celery and cucumbers...... Abit much, you think? Well, I relish the idea of having more than enough. That, plus I'm crazy. Hehe...

I've always loved apples as a kid so I hope that at the end of my detox diet, I wouldn't have learned to hate them...



HIS LiL PriNcEsS said...

here r some juice combination for u to try:
celery,apple,carrot n ginger(i skip d ginger)

start ur day wif a glass of warm water n a squeeze of lemon.Every morning haf a veg juice.dats for u to start wif.u can haf some tuna too =)